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Dedicated to providing the world's best

  real-time rating engines
& real-time rating applications

for Telecommunications Providers,
Application Service Providers
and Internet Service Providers

Featured Items

Ratchet® Rating System (.pdf version)

A short description of our rating product to serve telephony, Internet, wireless, and utility customers. Handles pre-paid and post-paid customers. Processes real-time and batch transaction flows.

New Feature Margin Management By Exception™

Margin Management By Exception supports the real-time operational monitoring of transaction margins. Management By Exception techniques are applied to the real-time monitoring so that you only see cases when margins are either too low or much higher than expected.

New Feature Visible Rating™ in the Ratchet® Rating System

Visible Rating takes you inside your rating process so you can see and check every step in rating a transaction. You never have to get a programmer involved to find out how the rating is working. See it yourself!


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